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Generator Battery Charger

FCCD2003 Genset Floating Battery Charger optional 12V10A, 12V6A, 24V6A and 24V3A

Constant Current Fast Charging: When the voltage of the charged battery is below the set value, the charger charges the battery rapidly with the maximum constant current.

Current Limiting: When the charged battery is approaching full, the charging current is automatically limited.

Trickle Float Charging: When the voltage of the charged battery reaches the float charging set value, it automatically switches to float charging status.

Stop Charging: When the voltage of the charged battery reaches the full charge set value, the charging output is automatically shut off.

Overcurrent and Short Circuit Protection: The product has comprehensive overcurrent and short circuit protection. When the battery is used as a starting power source, the charger does not need to be disconnected.


FCCD2003 series intelligent charger is designed specifically for battery charging, featuring constant voltage, constant current, trickle charging, automatic stop when full, and short-circuit resistance functions. It is suitable for use with various brands, models, and power ratings of diesel engines.

- Operating Voltage: AC 160~250V

- Operating Frequency: 20~100Hz

- Can directly charge from the electrical energy of the diesel generator set, replacing the onboard charger

- Suitable for use in humid environments with temperatures ranging from -40°C to +50°C and relative humidity up to 98%RH without condensation

- Allows simultaneous charging of the battery from mains power while starting the engine

- Suitable for lead-acid batteries, especially sealed solid-state wide-temperature batteries

- Product series includes 12V, 24V; 10A, 6A, and various other models. Please choose and install according to your needs (product packaging is labeled).

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